

Discipline – bring to a state of order and obedience by training and control.


Lord, how can I be upset about a negative result that I could have easily avoided just by being disciplined? Now I’m forced to tell myself NO. No to watching what I want. No to going where I want. No to saying what I want. No to doing what I want. In this case, saying no to eating what I want.


Here’s where I am going with this. I enjoy a great-tasting homemade lemon pound cake with icing drizzling on top and down its sides. Yum. One slice after dinner doesn’t mean one-quarter of the cake or three slices within an hour. Or how about this one? Garlic mashed potatoes with lots of butter and sour cream with gravy. My mouth is watering as I type. This one is even better. Mixed nuts! Not peanuts. I’m talking walnuts, cashews, pistachios, hazelnuts, pecans, Brazil nuts, and almonds mixed. Again, a handful is enough. Not half of the 32-ounce container AT ONE TIME. I have even awakened, grabbed a handful of nuts to eat, and drifted back off to sleep. Upon awakening a couple of hours later, the nuts were still in my hand. And I can tell you that I have never lost a nut or found a nut in my bed upon awakening.


What am I saying? Just because it tastes good to you doesn’t mean it’s good for you to binge on. My overindulgence didn’t just happen. It was gradual. I found myself saying, “Oh, I haven’t had that much today.” Or how about this one? “I’ll do better tomorrow.” Sounds like Wimpy, “I’ll gladly pay you on Tuesday for a hamburger today.” Look in the mirror girl. Something clearly is not working.


Now I’m facing my primary care physician with questions about what I can do to improve my poor choices. A disciple is one who learns or one who is a student who disciplines himself for whatever purpose they’re seeking. So, what kind of disciple am I? Asking for forgiveness for poor choices is fine but the next question is when will discipline come into play. Tell your flesh to shut up, stop whining, and obey. This is going to hurt but I’m doing this for your good.


Proverbs 25:28 – He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.

One thought on “Disciplined

  1. Joye Cromwell says:

    I definitely need to make some better choices with my nutrition. I always need to have more discipline in my relationship with Lord. Lord don’t let me whine & complain. Lord forgive me for making poor choices, and to take the right steps to change.

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